Monday, November 27, 2006

Things I Am Thankful For .. ..

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone here in the USA, Alot of people ask what one is thankful for in the past year, here I will list a few things I am thankful for.

♥ Family

- My grandparents who have always been there and still are there for me no matter what happens, My husband & his family as well. I ♥ Love ♥ You Guys!

♥ Friends - Weather they be on or offline

- I wont mention names but they know who they are and why I am so thankful, I ♥ Love ♥ you guys!

♥ My Job

- I started a diffrent job in August, but its been wonderful on the like one day a week I go in ^_^

♥ My Cats

- I know it sounds weird but pets know when your down and when your up when it comes to feelings etc... they are always there for you no matter what. I ♥ Love ♥ My babies.

I know there is more its just my brain went blank... I gotta go clean up my house now.

♥ Noire ♥

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