Monday, April 01, 2013

Comicon 2013 Update!

Still trying to wrap my head around how to plan

doctor who cosplay photo shoots... (fem doctors 1 though 11 done by my friends & I)
being at our doctor who table.... yes we got a table =)
getting out to see the famous folks....
getting out to see the panels...
spending time with hubby to get our stuff signed & get autographs and well just spend time together

to much stuff jammed into Saturday and not enough spread into sunday, my heads about to explode trying to plan comicon

*bangs head on desk*

I am excited just overwhelmed !


Lizzie said...

It seems like everyone is posting about Dr. Who these days. I feel out of the loop.

Tina Noire said...

LOL Well the shows been around for 50 years this year, maybe its time for you to catch up =)