Monday, May 06, 2019

Twice Graduated & Weight Loss Stuff!!

Quoted from my school's facebook page:

We here at the XWC we would like to congratulate Tina Noire on becoming a 2-time XWC graduate! She graduated from our referee program this week!

You also may remember she previously became our first female and first international graduate of our manager program in January. 

Let's give her a big round of applause! 

Like Tina, you can continue to train at XWC after you've graduated from one of our programs. You can continue training in another one of our programs!

On another note, the 2 photos on the left are my recent side by side with my weight loss! 

I am now 4 years into my journey/life change and I have lost over 225lbs... 

It's been a lot of work 
But I haven't given up 
here is another photo