Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Skeeter - 2004 - 2020

This morning we had to help Skeeter reach the rainbow bridge, it came so suddenly... Around midnight last night she was playing & getting mad at me for spending the first-night cleaning & not sitting down so she could sit in my lap... finally after she ate a bunch of food at midnight she made herself comfortable in my lap.

Around 2/3am she got so upset and struggled to eat and such. I tried everything I could to help her get comfortable. She would hide in her cubby hole in the cat tree. Joel was at work so I sat here trying to be strong and not cry because I didn't want Skeeter to see me cry... I knew this was her way of telling us she was ready... we think just like that with a blink of an eye her one or both kidneys gave out. She got diagnosed with kidney issues last June & she had been doing well up to this point with food/fluid treatments, we did have a scare a few months ago before quarantine started but she was starting to get better.

I suppose it was her time as much as it hurts and I didn't want it to be... She was such a good girl, she loved to sit in our laps, and when she wanted she would crawl up and sit on our shoulders and neck. Things had to be HER way... she was a demanding little kitty!

I will never forget the day we brought her home... we had taken Salem to the vet (this was back in 2007) Salem was getting spay... we saw Skeeter in her cage. At the time she was called "Skeet" because they thought she was a boy... she rubbed up against the cage wanting attention. At the time we had 5 kitties (Salem, Scyko, Slayer, Bubbles, and Olivia) we didn't think we could take another... Fate had another plan...

When we went back to the vets about a week later to get Salem's stitches out Skeeter was still there... her cage said "Last Day August 30th" It was now Sept something... Joel asked the vet what it meant... turns out if they don't get adopted by a certain date they give them another week or two, they don't get adopted they... well you know... Joel & I couldn't let that happen!!!!!

At the time I was working part-time at Bath and Body Works and Joel was guarding grocery stores. We happened to just have a check his work owed him for back pay on a shift he worked for the exact amount = $95 to adopt her... we lived off $1 isle food for 2 weeks just so we could bring her home! When they took Skeeter back to make sure "he" was neutered they came back out saying "it's a girl!"

So that is how she went from Skeet to Skeeter ♥

She was about 3 when we adopted her back in 2007, so we had many good years with her over these last years. Rest well little girl, by now you have reunited with Olivia, Slayer, JR, Bubbles, and Salem and running those fields of the Rainbow Bridge, we will see you again someday baby. Until then have fun with your brothers and sisters Skeeter-do, we will always love you!

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