Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Well another post, this one is probably really weird but I just woke up from a really weird dream of all things. It made me think about it then I tried to go back to sleep but you know what... I Can't! So now I got a huge brainstorm on this, I am not even going to load up my Yahoo Messenger until I get all this written down because I know once I load it up I am going to get IM'd like crazy!

But okay, here I go.

Have you ever have one of those dreams where you are sitting there after you have woken up and scratching your head going .... What the ..... Yup I have those quite often now a days. Thing is when I have mine I start to pick up the bits and peices that may fall in my life at some point in the past or this very day or what seems future holding and promising. Why? You might ask? Well for one dreams I have had in the past and some even now to this day they on and off, They are called Prophetic Dreams. What are those you might ask? Well here I will tell you . . .

Prophetic dreams: also referred to as Pyschic Dreams, they are dreams that seeingly foretell the future. One rational theory to explain this is that our dreaming mind is able to piece together bits of imformation and look at it. Normally we over look or consider it seriously because to us it A) Either don't make sence or B) Are not serious about it. In other words, our unconscious mind knows what is coming before we sit there and consciously put it together with the same information.

Another type of dream I have alot are Recurring Dreams, this word speaks for it self really but I will explain things if need be.

Recurring dreams: Most of these dreams tend to contain messages that will teach us about ourselves or someone that is close to us. At first it wont make sence and we all tend to over look it. So the dream will come back and we will have it again, as our mind saying, " Hey you fool, look listen " Trying to make the message clear as day but your mind and body don't see it that way. Not until about in my case the 4th or 5th dream. Some people notice it right away some people don't notice it all all some will finally notice it years and years later. But recrring dreams are quite common so don't freak out. They might recur daily, once a week, maybe once a month. These dreams sometimes point to a personal weakness, fear or something you can't cope with something that is happening or happend in your life, very rare it will be future set. But look at it this way, repetitive patterns in your dream can reveal some of the most valuable information about YOU so don't turn it away, you might accually learn something.

Now in my case I have a recurring dream that comes to me quite often, this is a dream I had when I was a teenager. Ill share it, I was sitting in my room drawing and it was a bright sunny day, I lived with my aunt and uncle. Just then I heard the doorbell, I didn't think anything of it because for one in highschool I didn't have many friends. But oddly enough my Uncle & Aunt called me saying someone was here to see me. I opened my bedroom door and looked down the stairs and told them to have whom ever it was come up and see me, just then I noticed a "guy" with long black hair. To this day I could NEVER see the face until a few months ago. It was totally weird. I still remember the first day I had this dream I was like "shrug" whatever ... but now I sit here.. and wonder ... because for one this guy what he did in the dream. I will keep that part a secert because well for one it still blows my mind away. But here now I will share some tips in overcoming your recurring dreams.

1) Understand your dream, you must be willing to accept some sort of change or undergo a total transformation weather it be YOU or YOUR LIFE.

2) You must be willing to look inside yourself and confront whatever you can/may find no matter how simple or difficult it could be.

3) Look at the dream from a objective point of view. Try to get passed the emotional and reactive elements of this dream and look at the images, the images that symbolize something weather they be masked by elements or anything that may be disturbing preventing you to look at the dream any deeper then you already have. This could be caused by your defense that your unconscious maybe putting up to say " NO WAIT " Thats where 4 falls into play

4) Be patient. Don't get discouraged if these dreams still recur over and over even after you thought you have come to understand them and know what they are and mean.

5) Learn to accept yourself truly and fully, understand yourself and most of all make sure you are or tend to be happy. Often times once you discover what you recurring dream is trying to tell you these dreams will change all together or maybe.... even disappear for good.

Who knows right? Some people say dreams are dreams. Hmm yeah sure to you but others they are peices of there life or what they want/need in there life, something they want/need to happen or in some cases what will happen. This can also fall into play with Epic Dreams, what is a Epic dream? Well again here I will tell you.

Epic Dreams: Or some call them Great Dreams, are so huge, so compelling and so in detail that you can't ignore them. Details from these dreams remain with you for years, months, days or even weeks as if you dreamt them last night. These kinda dreams possess alot of symbols of your life in some way. When you wake up from such a dream, you feel like you have found something great or amazing about YOU or about the WORLD or SOMEONE. It feels like you have had or want to have a life changing experience.

I accually had a epic dream the other day, before I went to sleep I read my one fortune I got from a fortune cookie a few weeks ago. It says something like, " You will decide to take a trip and travel, you will then come upon a fortune " Now to me, I have thought about taking a few trips here and there because I want to and meet people and have fun. For example: I been invited to Florda next year for a friends wedding that I met though City Of Heroes. Another place I have wanted to visit is back home in Canada to see my grandparents and a couple of my friends, weather I have to go by myself because I want to spend a couple weeks there. Then have my husband come up and get me on a weekend when he is off work. That would be SO AWESOME! Another few places I want to visit are California (have quite a few gaming friends there) Arizona (same as listed before) well anywhere else I want to go basicly have quite a few gaming friends. But on top of my list is my friends wedding, Back home, and Arizona then California.

But anyways!! The dream you probably ask, it was breath taking, Ive had alot of changes good and bad in the last little while in my life and well, to me this dream woke me up, realized what it is and who I want and need in my life. I wont say excatly mind you because hey thats personal, I will tell you this though, how will I accomplish this .... time will tell.

Well that is the end of this post for now, I will sure have more updates so stay tuned!

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