Friday, July 11, 2008

Vacation =)

We just got back from Canada late last night.
It was a great trip, even the 12-14hr drive there and back!
We seen Grandma, Uncle Gary, Auntie Donna, and my Dad.
We also popped by to see my Grandpa at his grave, it was sad.
We also did other things like, I took hubby to some restaurants that are not in the states like Jose's Noodle Factory, Swiss Chalet and of course Pizza Pizza.
Can you say YUM!
We also went on Go-Carts!
We had a really great time, to bad the time couldn't of been longer, ah well, there is always next year =D
I miss Grandma & my family already though =*(
Well time to decide what to do with the rest of my day : )

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