Monday, December 21, 2009

Updates & Happy Holidays!

It's that time of year again when everything is coming to a close & a new year is getting ready to begin, I have to say this years been so so, not the greatest but pretty good none the least.

We had a lot of sad times this year, let's start back at the beginning....

Jan - Was a so so month, after all it was the one year anniversary of losing my Grandpa who was like a father to me, it was hard but we got though it, still hard today but getting by....

Feb - Month of LOVE! ~ Hubby & I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary, it was a pretty good month, cold out snow all that fun stuff but we realized out fav times are with one another watching movies & just hanging out, we don't need to go out places & spend a lot of money to have a good time. Each other is enough (and of course gaming with great friends)

March - Was a pretty busy month getting things still on the go with renovating, I was still not working but hubby is cool with that, so I had been working on the house & playing online games while hubby was at work & when he got home we spent time together. This month I had finally got into a clinic for some check ups, found I weighed 250lbs and 51 inch waist....

April - Hubbys BIRTHDAY! ~ Was another good month, busy but good :) Hubby also was told about a new job with 100% medical as a Security guard, like the job he was doing at the time but had more perks and the benefits for both of us and any kids we have, so he went for it.

May - Hubby starts the new job, great month, he can work 4 days a week 10 hr days, which is perfect, means more us time which we enjoy :) ~ Still busy with home renovation stuff exp since spring started some what earlier then normal :) But this was another sad month due to a friend of ours who passed away unexpectedly :( ~ We miss you William ~ xo

June - Hubbys Job is going well, my health been doing A LOT better, things are going well :) ~ Busy with renovation stuff still, going to be til Spring 2010.

July - Check up for me, things are going really well, busy month :)

Aug - BUSY - Hubby got all his gear for his new job, but sad month also, Grandma died, she broke her hip & pretty much gave up, we knew she did when she said she wanted to be with Grandpa, she passed in her sleep. :( ~ I couldn't make the funeral due to lack of funds since hubby started his new job, but Grandma would of understood.

Sept - still a busy month and sad times, Hubby & I spent a lot of time together

Oct - Busy month but the wedding of my brother in law Forrest & best friend Mandy :) ~ YAY! ~ Busy is never ending ; )

Nov - Busy month of Thanksgiving, work and house stuff = STILL lol. But good news is only rooms left are Kitchen & Basement.

Dec - Many birthdays!! Our family/friends: DeeDee, Mikeal, Vince, Mom, Dad whew many many EVEN MINE! It's been a busy month & sad around my birthday since I was so used to my Grandma calling every year on my Birthday for the last 28 years and then bam, no call. It was hard but got though it thanks to my wonderful hubby & friends :) ~

Been great month though, got some great things from Hubby, family & friends. Getting ready for Christmas, planning on Christmas eve with my father in law & his gf then spending the night at my mother in laws so we can wake the next morning for Presents & Breakfast instead of doing a Christmas dinner type thing.

This past weekend we did a Christmas D20 game with a TON of our awesome friends & I made ham, turkey and tons of other food (still have left overs) ~ After dinner we played KILLER BUNNIES & CAR WARS! ~

In between all the doc apps I been going to making sure my body is doing alright & be sure I am in check after losing about 45lbs & 15 inches, Hubby & I are hoping for a clean bill of health to see what we can do next before starting our family since we wanna have 4-8 kids um yeah we wanna make sure we are healthy :)

Hubbys off new years eve, we where planning to invite a few friends over for movies or maybe one of the guys at his work plan to do something, either way we can't wait :)

Also thinking of getting rid of the phone & going with something more simple, no one calls and the only time we use it is to talk with people about the games we play with them which is rare since we use the online method 99% of the time over Pardus or Facebook. We will only call people when we actually have something to talk about, no point on sitting on the phone & talking when we have nothing to talk about, hubby & I said that months ago :P ~ There is only a few folks worth talking to anyways.

We can't wait til the spring, comicon & friends coming in from outta town to go with us, more friends here to come with us, going to be very exciting. New year new things, hope good things exp with docs apps and getting things on track, I hope to be my skinny self I was by the end of next year since I only got about another 50-60lbs to lose at most. I have a feeling its gonna be a good year.

Only thing hubby & I want for Christmas is to get the news all is okay & we can start a family soon :)

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