Sagittarius - Your Love Profile |
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Love Profile
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
2. Are you single?
No, Married
3. What's your favorite number?
4. Favorite color?
BlacK, Red, Green, Purple, Blue
5. Least favorite color?
6. What are you listening to?
My Playlist
7. Do you dance around in your underwear?
Um yeah
8. Are you happy with your life right now?
Friends Yes, Other things no...
10. What is your favorite subject in school?
I'm not in school
11. Do you shop at Hollister / Abercrombie / AE?
12. How do you make money?
Beauty Items I sell and no its not Avon
13. Where will you graduate from?
I graduated already
14. Are you outgoing?
15. Two words to describe you?
Loving and Caring
16. Do you like McDonaldS ?
Its okay
17. Do you own big sunglasses?
Um, NO
18. Do you sing in the shower?
19. What should you be doing right now?
Whatever I want, but um maybe i should be sleeping
Can you blow a bubble?
Can you do a cart wheel?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you whistle?
Can you wiggle your ears?
Can you roll your tongue?
Did you ever want to be a doctor?
Did you ever want to be a firefighter?
Do you know how to swim?
Do you like roller coasters?
never been on one
Does hair loss run through your family?
Does your car get good gas mileage?
dont have a car
Does your family have family picnics?
Have you ever been to the ocean?
Have you ever gone fishing?
How did you find out about Myspace?
A friend told me about it
How many of your friends on it have you seen?
all of them
How much money do you have on you right noW?
Last person you hung out with?
Jill my friend and Neighbour
Last thing you said out loud?
Have a good night Rich
Last thing someone said to you?
see you later Tina
What is the temperature outside?
lil muggy
What was the last restaurant you ate at?
Hometown Buffet
What was the last thing you bought?
Monday, May 28, 2007
Can't Sleep, Blah!
It's almost 4am...
I can't sleep.
I was having lag issues in City Of Heroes again! Today... all the times Id log in, it really sucked! Cause I wanted to play!
Well last night (Saturday) My neighbour Jill came over and we sat back and had a few drinks, It was fun just to hang out and chat!
Joel was at work and we where hanging out chatting about girl stuff :)
After she left I hopped in game to play and hang out with my best friend <3
It was a pretty great night until I got tired, didn't wanna sleep but I had to cause I had to call work at noon to see if they needed me!
They didn't so... I ended up cleaning for like 3hrs.
I then had lunch then relaxed a bit and then took a nap.
Woke up and tried to play some City Of Heroes.
I been having these lag issues today and it was/is making me so mad!
I wanna play my game :(
Usually if I reset my modem and stuff Im okay but this time it didn't work!
Ahh well Ill fight with it tomorrow sometime after work or something, I hope I can get it to work cause I really wanna play! I wanna get Snow and her partner up a few lvls before we duo our next tf goal.
We duo'd Moonfire, Posi, Synapse, and Sister Py so far.
Next is Citadel
We can do it!
I just need to get rid of this lag!
I still need that vacation =P
I got some money saved up but thats for other stuff
Like getting my kitty Salem fixed, Scyko is fixed now.
Well I am gonna try and get some sleep now...
Thx for reading my ramble post, gotta love reading blogs when the blogger is half asleep and half awake but they can't sleep eh :)
Y Noire Y
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Be - Jessica Simpson
How will you come to me
How will we connect these hearts
Are you somewhere near
Hidden like a four-leaf clover
Are you miles away
Are we getting any closer
Are we getting any closer
I already see us moving mountains
I already see us walk in water
I already see the clouds we're flying
Over and under
I can really see us having babies
Walking through the park and being lazy
I already see myself falling in love eternally
And I think that's just the way it's gonna be
And I think that's just the way it's gonna be
I already see us moving mountains
And I think that's just the way it's gonna be
I already see us walk in water
And I think that's just the way it's gonna be
Being with you
Is a like a scene from a dream in heaven
I feel you running through
All my senses
Will you taste like rain
Can I breathe you like air
Will I lose myself in your arms somewhere
I already see us moving mountains
I already see us walk in water
I already see the clouds we're flying
Over and under
I can really see us having babies
Walking through the park and being lazy
I already see myself falling in love eternally
And I think that's just the way it's gonna be
I think that's just the way it's gonna be
And I know and I know and I know
Love can move a mountain
And I know and I know
It's gonna be even better than I imagined
Putting all my trust in you
Putting all my trust in you
We'll make this dream come true
I can really see us having babies
Walking through the park and being lazy
I already see myself falling in love eternally
And I think that's just the way it's gonna be
And I think that's just the way it's gonna be
I already see us moving mountains
The way it's gonna be
I already see us walk in water
The way it's gonna be
I can really see us having babies
The way it's gonna be
I already see myself falling in love
Meant to be
I already see us moving mountains
The way it's gonna be
I already see us walk in water
To me
The way it's gonna be
I can really see us having babies
The way it's gonna be
Friday, May 25, 2007
Today . . . .
Wow, where did the time go?
Today was a alright day, pretty busy at work.
The holiday weekend and stuff :)
Unfort I work Saturday and Monday and a maybe on Sunday. But I can't see them needing me then cause there is like 3-4 ppl already sceduled.
I am sure they will be ok :)
I so need a vacation!
I want to go to AZ to visit and meet all my friends, Id so LOVE to go for the 3rd of June cause thats when they are having the AZ meet up for CoH.
I so want alot of stuff right now!
But I can't have them right now and it hurts :(
Well this is gonna be a short post, I need to get some sleep before 3am cause I am gonna get up then and play some CoH.
Hm.. not sure what else to write but I am still nervious and scared about the future a wee bit, I wanna know whats gonna happen and stuff.
That is normal though isn't it?
Well nap time, write more another time
Take care everyone :)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Feelings & Updates ....
Well It's now May 24th, couple days pasted since my last blog update.
Yesterday I was really emotional I dunno why but It made me really scared of what is gonna happen in my future but I had a really good friend of mine sit with me and chat with me all day and tell me I am gonna be okay and you know I believe him because he has taken amazing care of me for quite awhile and been there for me. Even in the months we didn't talk he was still there for me :)
I know where my place is now and I want to be there so bad! Yes AZ! I wanna go visit right now! lol.
Well this is gonna be a short post, I wanna get soem stuff done before I have to go to work so Ill probably post more later :)
Oh and this weekend sometime hoping to go to the mother in laws for a BBQ or something, see how that goes :) She called this morning and invited us over on a day I am not workin and stuff.
Ill explain feelings later =P
Monday, May 21, 2007
Not Sure What To Post But Here Goes Nothing ....
It's been nice to get everything I need without getting a eye roll.
Now that I have my own moneys, it's pretty nice.
I still need to get Salem fixed and some flea stuffs, oh and some more dye for my hair, its growing out again. Looks like frap.
I was actually looking forward to D&D today, because I was told it was changed to Monday nights. Well I guess it wasn't, pissed me off too.
Joel went to his friends to play this morning, I woke up house was quiet, a bit to quiet.
Yeah so sue me I got worried, but anyways!
I found out where he was and all is good but again PISSED cause I wanted to play too.
Well today is another day off I hope it goes ALOT better then Thursday & Friday of last week, omg I wanted to go beat things up I was so frustrated last time.
I so needed a punching bag!
I am so glad those days are over with though.
Another week is here and more very busy days ahead.
Work is one, cleaning up and moving stuff around is another.
As much as I don't want to go back to work as much as I do, I know I have too.
This point there is no choice because of all the crazy stuff going on and yeah I do need stuff, I miss being at home and taking care of it because nothing gets done still until I do it, very frustrating!
Note I said NEED, I mean yeah there is stuff I want... games, going on a vacation to AZ or other places to visit people. BUT I gotta get the needs outta the way first, and the stuff that HAS to be done.
Some days I just wanna crawl into a corner and not come out cause its so stressful and I am so feeling it health wise. I know I don't say anything but yeah, my stomach is in constant knots and I have a headache that just wont go away sometimes. With that time of the month, heh I wont go there but I am always emotional during this time. Ask anyone that does know that lol.
Like now!
I just wish I knew where my life is headed, I have so many hopes and dreams I want to come true, I want them to come true so bad it makes me cry sometimes.
I just want to be happy and safe and loved and cared for, for who I am, be happy!
Also when I do things for people they will actually say Thank you!
I also just want someone I can love for who they are and they will/can love me back for who I am too. Someone I can hang out with and have fun with and they will want to do the same, we can also go out and hang out and have a good time just the two of us. Just let me be me and I will let them be them. I am not very big being a people person a night a home cuddled up on the couch will do just fine watching a movie or headed to play a game and just relax.
I don't really need/want many things when it comes to stuff, I mean I have the game I play City Of Heroes/Villains. That makes me quite happy cause I do have alot of friends there and yeah sure Id LOVE to meet them all one day, that could very well happen soon enough I'm sure. Sure I would love to go to a movie or something but I have no one to go with presently.
Hmm I dunno what else to write, I am rambling, I am still partly asleep too so heh okay, I'm done for now.
Friday, May 11, 2007
A Small Rant
I am getting so tired of this
I have suppose to be 2 friends back home I been friends with since high school
Late last year I got a MSG from one
Msg'd her back
Tried calling... no answer
Finally got in touch with her
Talked for about a hour
Next day msg'd her
Nothing back for a few months
Then outta the blue I get a msg, msg back
Took about a week but FINALLY get one back
Then again not for sometime
So I tried calling for a bit...
Called like 6 times one night...
Cause she told me.. call a few times cause i might be sleeping or not reckon the number so i know its you or something so i did that... few nights same thing...
I finally said you know what... SCREW IT!
I then get a msg on myspace come feb i think... I msg back
nothing still nothing so you know what I am done I'm tired of trying cause I am the only one that seems to do so anymore, I am tried of anything and everything being one sided
If its not these so called friends then its other people I used to talk too from back home. I need to go where I know I will be accepted and loved by many for who I am, and i do know where that is....
I know who my TRUE friends are though and I thank every single one of them!
I mean this one so called friend of mine... I seen her post on myspace last nite but she didn't say SHIT to me! So you know what SCREW IT! I am tired...
I actually had gifts I was thinking of sending back home for them but I am so tired of doing things for people and getting crapped on in the end.
I threw a bday party for a friend for her 19th... $350 bucks later.... Our friendship and other bunches of BS come flying out.... Christmas time a few years back... bought gifts did a party... another $800 bucks later.... done... so I am done doing things for people that don't keep in touch or say thank you ...
Or when I leave people msgs and they don't msg back but they check there msgs on a pretty good daily bases! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! or come on IM and don't msg oh no that would break a nail... err finger or something, I went to msg but before I could even get a msg off they sign out >_> <_<
Again I know who my true friends are and I love you guys! and Id do anything for them!
Thank you all for being my friends, you know who u are!
I know this is harsh and I am sorry but I am so tired of being tossed around and stuff like a wet towel... I just hope these 2 so called "friends" realize how I feel. . . all I can say right now to them is .... I wont even go there .... xD
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Sunshine & Love - Jessica Andrew's
world on a string
Diamonds in my pockets and the power of a king
I don’t think I’d be any happier than I am right now
‘Cause money’s only paper, It might buy a lot of stuff
But if money’s what your chasing
You won’t ever have enough
‘Cause the best things in life
Might not be free but they sure are cheap
Like sunshine, blue skies and the river on
a hot hot day
Moonlight and a good fight, standing out
In the pouring rain
So many things that money buys
But really nothing I can find
Like sunshine and love
There is something about the moment
When two hemispheres collide
And someone opens up their world and lets
You see inside
And you realize that everything that you’ve
been waiting for
For your whole life is standing right there
There ain’t nothing like love
Like sunshine, blue skies and the river on
a hot hot day
Moonlight and a good fight, standing out
In the pouring rain
So many things that money buys
But really nothing I can find
Like sunshine and love
And sunshine, blue skies and the river on a
Hot hot day
Moonlight and a good fight standing out
In the pouring rain
Like sunshine, blue skies and the river on
a hot hot day
Moonlight and a good fight, standing out
In the pouring rain
So many things that money buys
But really nothing I can find
Like sunshine and love
Few Updates!
First one ever!
Yes I am a noob!
It was great fun!
I got to meet Jim Lee and a bunch of other fokes!
I got a ton of comics too!
Hm.. what else...
Oh Issue 9 was released last week in City Of Heroes!
Awesome stuff.... I guess inventions ... blah!
But Pyro Commander Did get some Tech Wings Today!
Thanks Onuris!

They look great!
As for the rl stuff with hubby, he said to me today he wants to work on this... finally after how many months of me just being the one thats wanted to work on things.
I just don't know I mean I made up my mind already . . .
I just wanna be safe and happy ....
Blah anyways I will finish this later, writing this half asleep!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
What's Left Of Me . . .
in the review mirror
Pictures frozen in time
are becoming clearer
I don't wanna waste another day stuck in the
shadow of my mistakes
'cause I want you
and I feel you
crawling underneath my skin,
like a hunger
like a burning
to find the place I've never been
now I'm broken
and I'm fading
I'm half the man I thought I would be
But you can have
What's left of me
I've been dying inside
Little by little
Nowhere to go
But goin' out of my mind
In endless circles
runnin' from myself until
You gave me a reason for standing still
And I want you
and I feel you
crawling underneath my skin
like a hunger
like a burning
to find the place I've never been
now I'm broken
and I'm fading
I'm half the man I thought I would be
But you can have
What's left of me
Falling faster
Barely breathing
Give me something to believe in
Tell me it's not all in my head
Take what's left of this man
Make me whole once again
'cause I want you
and I feel you
crawling underneath my skin
like a hunger
like a burning
to find the place I've never been
now I'm broken
and I'm fading
I'm half the man I thought I would be
You can have
All that's left
Yeah, yeah, yeah
What's left of me
I've been dying inside you see
I'm going out of my mind
Out of my mind
I'm just runnin' in circles all the time
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left
Of me
Just runnin' in circles in my mind
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left
Will you take what's left of me
Take what's left of me
Monday, May 07, 2007
Let Me Be Your Butterfly! ^_^
All across Japan
Just to find, to find my samurai
Someone who is strong
But still a little shy
Yes I need, I need my samurai
Ay, ay, ay,
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue,
Make the colours in the sky
Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue,
Make the colours in the sky
I've been searching in the woods
And high upon the hills
Just to find, to find my samurai
Someone who won't regret
To keep me in his net
Yes I need, I need my samurai
Ay, ay, ay,
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue,
Make the colours in the sky
Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue,
Make the colours in the sky
Where's my samurai ?
Where's my samurai ?
Sunday, May 06, 2007
A Broken Wing . . .
The last man on Earth
Gave him everything she ever had
He'd break her spirit down
Then come lovin' up on her
Give a little then take it back
She'd tell him about her dreams
He'd just shoot 'em down
Lord he loved to make her cry
You're crazy for believin'
You'll ever leave the ground
He said Only angels know how to fly
And with a broken wing
She still sings
She keeps an eye on the sky
With a broken wing
She carries her dreams
Man you ought to see her fly
One Sunday morning
She didn't go to church
He wondered why she didn't leave
He went up to the bedroom
Found a note by the window
With the curtains blowin' in the breeze
And with a broken wing
She still sings
She keeps an eye on the sky
With a broken wing
She carries her dreams
Man you ought to see her fly
With a broken wing
She carries her dreams
Man you ought to see her fly
Thursday, May 03, 2007
All I Want In Life . . . .
I am not a girl that thinks money will make me happy, I don't like makeup but I will wear it because of the job I do, I am not the type of girl that wants to go get my nails done every week or have my hair done every month.... or need the high expensive clothes to look good. I'm comfortable in a pair of pj pants and a t-shirt. I cut my own hair and dye my own hair. Once in a blue moon I will go get it trimmed by a professional just cause.
My dream is to be a stay at home mom, work part time if need be. I love to stay home and take care of the house, cook and take care of the person I am with. Yeah I know I am old fashioned so what. hehe.
I am also a very emotional person, sometimes more then normal. I cry at love story based movies for pete sakes. I love to cook, I want to finish my cookbook one day.
Blah... let me finish this another time, stay tuned!
Updates, Life, Everything!
Allots been happening in the past few months, I couldn't post I didn't wanna post about, just because of all the drama.
I am still not going to post EVERYTHING.
But just somethings.
Like stuff that been going on in the past month or so.
Couple months ago I get a IM from my cuz, telling me grandma was sick, she was rushed to the hospital. Turns out she has leukemia, they will not tell her or treat her for it.
This put a knife in my heart.
They said the reason why is because it isn't bad right now, they feel with her age (91) that she will pass of old age first before the leukemia has a chance to do anything.
Okay so maybe there right who knows!
Things been falling apart for me for awhile now
I been a emotional mess, to the point where i just see like tunnel vision.
I think of others before I think of myself, Ive always been that way.
My husband and I been having our problems too, things are not what they used to be. It's really hard because I did have my hopes for a great marriage.
I have been trying my best to keep things together, we did the marriage counselling and well there is just so much drama there.
I rather not talk about that.
Couple weeks ago I get a IM from my cuz who hasn't talked to me in MONTHS!
My aunt passed away....
Okay last time i felt this bad is when I found out about my other aunt the past away a few years back from my ex-boyfriends MOTHER. Not family ....
Sure its great they told me this time but... A DAY BEFORE THE FUNERAL!
That makes me so mad, I didn't even know she was sick!
Again this is where the tunnel vision comes in.
My husband asked me on his birthday... you wanna work on this?
I mean... what is there to seriously work on?
I been trying for months and he hasn't even came to me or anything to try!
He's been working and sleeping
Sure I'm not perfect far from it!
I needed time to think after everything that's been going on.
He thinks the perfect husband is working.... thats great!
I mean I do live a pretty good life... I work Part time, Take care of the house etc... I love that! But..... When I needed the love and support from him I wasn't getting it.
Sure workings great I love being home.. but where is the emotional and passion and support and all that stuff? I was getting more of that from my online friends and friends from City Of Heroes/Villains then I was him... All I aksed for and wanted was time to think.
He took that as a NO he told me a few days ago when we had a talk.
Then after the talk he pulls out a number of ONE of the girls hes been talking to for the past few weeks... So he says!
*smacks head on desk*
Sure I will amit that fucking hurt!
To top it off 2 weeks ago is when I found out about my aunt!
That pisses me off that he says sorry and *hugs* and that's all i get!
I mean shit honestly... that does make me mad!
Sad too!
Hurt YES!
Everyone I talk to keeps telling me .... GET OUT!
Sure easy for you to say!
Kinda hard when I do have a bunch of things in the way and stuff I NEED & HAVE to do!
Don't get me wrong I do still care after everything that's happened, I do still love him but I don't see a future.. We both need help and hes not willing, I am getting the help I need and trying to continue with it.
Also this past Sunday there was a shooting at my work .....
I totally freaked when I heard this!
I was suppose to go to work that day!
But they didn't need me.
Everyone is okay at my work but 3 people died :'(
What is going on with the world today!
Sometimes I just don't know anymore!
But I do know something !!
I have a true best friend!
I love him for putting up with me and accepting me for me!!
Even after the months of not speaking, he forgave me!
Because he understands : )
I am sure life is gonna work out for the best, I just need time.
I need the help I need and I have a feeling its gonna be okay!
There is more to the story on what happened and all but I wont post that.
That is something that is pretty private
Anyways time to eat, need to so I don't get sick : )
Anime Hair Color
What's your Anime Hair Colour?(GIRLS ONLY)(BEAUTIFUL ANIME PICS)

Anime Hair Colour:Purple
Personality:Your calm yet adventurous!Your pretty smart,but not geniues smart.You are also a great friend!
Perfect Man:Some one friendly,who likes to read and has a soft spot for baby animals.Or someone funny with brains.
Take this quiz!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Just A Lil Bit!
I'm unhappy so if you love me
A little bit is not that much to ask to make things right
Oh yeah, oh yeah, a little bit goes a long, long way
I Belong To Me
It's not that I don't wanna share my life with you baby
It's just that I'm the one I need to be true to baby
And I won't give up me to be part of you
It's not that I don't want to have you in my life baby
it's just you gotta know that its got to be right baby
Before I open up my heart to you
I don't need somebody to complete me
I complete myself
Nobody has got to belong to somebody else
I belong to me
I don't belong to you
My heart is my possession
I'll be my own reflection
I belong to me
I'm one not half of two
And if you're gonna love me
You should know this baby
I belong to me
I gotta let you know before I let you in baby
That who I am is not about who I am with baby
That don't mean I don't wanna be here with you
I do
I don't need somebody to complete me
I want you to know
I give all my love but I'm not givin' all my soul
I belong to me
I don't belong to you
My heart is my possession
I'll be my own reflection
I belong to me
I'm one not half of two
And if you're gonna love me
You should know this baby
I belong to me
Oh yeah
Love don't mean changing who you are to be
Who somebody wants you to be
Nobody has got to belong to nobody
I belong to me
I don't belong to you
My heart is my possession
I'll be my own reflection
I belong to me
I don't belong to you
My heart is my possession
I'll be my own reflection
I belong to me
I'm one not half of two,
And if your gonna love me
You should know this baby
I belong to me