Thursday, May 03, 2007

All I Want In Life . . . .

All I ever wanted and still want in life is someone who will accept me for who I am, take care of me make me feel comfortable, feel safe, love me for who I am, be happy... also let me do the same for them in return, and much more. I am such a girl, I know.

I am not a girl that thinks money will make me happy, I don't like makeup but I will wear it because of the job I do, I am not the type of girl that wants to go get my nails done every week or have my hair done every month.... or need the high expensive clothes to look good. I'm comfortable in a pair of pj pants and a t-shirt. I cut my own hair and dye my own hair. Once in a blue moon I will go get it trimmed by a professional just cause.

My dream is to be a stay at home mom, work part time if need be. I love to stay home and take care of the house, cook and take care of the person I am with. Yeah I know I am old fashioned so what. hehe.

I am also a very emotional person, sometimes more then normal. I cry at love story based movies for pete sakes. I love to cook, I want to finish my cookbook one day.

Blah... let me finish this another time, stay tuned!

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