Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 2

After hubby & I got some rest, 8yrs ago today would of been the 2nd day we where hanging out getting to know one another even more face to face and I was showing him around town

I then brought him to see my grandparents where we had a small lunch and grandma brought up the stories of when I was a kid, got our photo albums, This is where grandma pulled me aside while hubby & grandpa where talking old army stories and asked me if I truly loved him, I told her yes, I told her I wanted her and grandpa to be okay, she said, Tina I just want you to be happy and if he makes you happy and being with him does, then go be happy don't sit around and wait for old folks like us for our time to come, its time to be happy love that man and live your life to the fullest, then she smacked me on the butt =P

After the visit with them we went back to my friends at the times place where we then went to dinner, the waitress thought it was funny when he ordered "American" cheese on his burger. We then turned in early since the next day was a busy day =)

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